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'G5 cluster secures elite spot for Apple, IBM' bei The Register:
"Apple has been chided in recent years for falling behind Intel and AMD in PC processor performance. But it's new relationship with IBM to use the Power PC 970 - aka G5 - processor has vaulted Apple to superstar status in the technical computing realm."

Neues Statement von Oxford zum Firewire HD Problem mit Panther:
"After extensive testing Oxford has identified that the issue related to data loss on FireWire drives under some Mac OS platforms occurs with OXUF922 based products with software revision 1.03 or less. It does not affect any other Oxford products such as the OXFW911 FireWire and OXFW912 Firewire800 bridge solutions. We recommend that end users upgrade to the latest version 1.05 software (released in September), available from the manufacturer of your external drive.
We can also confirm that the problem is most likely to occur on shut down, sleep or restart of the Mac with the FireWire800 drive connected. To avoid this issue on existing drives (those not upgraded to 1.05), users should ensure that they power up their Macs before plugging in their FireWire drive, then before closing down, going to sleep, or restarting, they should move the Firewire drive to the trash-can, and then disconnect it."

Heute Abend findet das Apple Analyst Meeting statt.

Apple macht mehr Werbung für iTunes und iPod (zumindest in den Staaten).

Psychology Today:
"Apple Computer doesn't create new family members so much as brothers- and sisters-in-arms. Presenting itself as the anti-IBM, Apple is the computer for those who shun the domineering image of "Big Blue." This approach can be traced from the historic "1984" television ad that depicted Macintosh computers as a tool to fight Orwellian oppression caused by widespread PC use (aired just once, during the 1984 Superbowl, but still considered one of the most successful ads ever) to its recent showcasing of computer owners who have made the switch from PCs and the Windows operating system. Apple presents itself as unique. It invites users to think of themselves as revolutionary--even though, by buying and supporting Apple, they're really just responding to another marketer's push."
"Apple has also pushed its brand personality through product design: Other computers are gray, so theirs are colorful; others are square, theirs are round. Apple thus created a 'meme'--a term the Darwinian biologist Richard Dawkins coined to describe self-replicating cultural elements. The meme lives outside of Apple advertisements, effectively turning its customers into a quasi-sales force. While most computers can be mistaken for one another, Apple computers stand out," Martin writes. "Apple's presentation of its brand as an attitude rather than a product advantage is merely an extension of the concept that advertising superstar David Ogilvy developed in the 1950s."
Anti-IBM? Das dürfte schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel haben...
(via macdailynews)

Der erste Apple Store außerhalb der USA in Ginza (Tokyo, Japan) eröffnet am 30. November. Bis jetzt sieht es dort noch so aus:


Und das passiert, wenn Steve Ballmer sich seinen iPod umschnallt.

Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
11/05 Guy Fawkes' Plot, 1605
(So einfach ist das).

Posted by Leo at 05:46 | Permalink


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