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PowerBook G5: 'It's going to be a while'

Dave Russell, Director of product marketing for portables and wireless bei Apple, äußert sich im Interview mit der Computerworld zu den Problemen mit den aktuellen 15" PowerBooks:
"...the company is aware of the white blemishes on some new 15-in. screens, but hasn't yet "captured" enough of the computers to figure out why the spots are appearing. He also noted that any flawed machines would either be fixed and sent back to owners or kept by Apple for study. In that case, PowerBook owners would be sent new laptops."

Zum G5 im PowerBook:
"Apple "would like" to fit one of its powerful new G5 processors in a PowerBook, if it can figure out how to keep the machine cool enough to operate reliably."
"We certainly want to do that," he said. "But it's going to be a while. We think the G4 has a very long life in the PowerBook."

Zu der starken Wärmeentwicklung des ersten 12" PowerBooks:
"We took a very serious look at that," he said. "We completely rearchitected the heat management in the machines, in terms of everything. We even added a thermo-coupler on the hard drive. Lots of stuff like that went into it."

Posted by Leo at 08:40 | Permalink


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