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Heute unter anderem:
• Mehr zu 10.3.2 (build 7D15)
• iTMS rettet Musikbranche nicht
• Apples DRM unter Attacke
• Zukunft des G5
• AppleCare für den iPod
• Dells R&D Ausgaben
• TCO Debatte
• Apple Expo in London
• iPod jack sharing
• skurrile eMac Rumors
Die Details wie gewohnt beim Weiterlesen...
MacRumors, MacTechNews und macnews.net.tc schreiben über Build 7D15 (10.3.2):
Key enhancements include:
- improved file sharing and directory services for mixed Mac and PC networks
- more robust printing to PostScript printers
- improved font management
- updated Mail and Address Book applications
- new ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- FileVault, FireWire 800, WebDAV and USB Printing improvements from Update 10.3.1
- previous standalone security updates
heise zitiert eine Studie, die davon ausgeht, dass iTunes&Co. die Musikbranche nicht retten können (wer hätte das gedacht ?). Schöner Satz darin:
"Dennoch würden Musikdownloads nur knapp sechs Prozent des Marktes ausmachen, obwohl etwa bei Apples iTunes Music Store die herunterladbaren Songs schon jetzt weggingen wie warme Semmeln."
MacRumors berichtet von ersten Versuchen Apples DRM geschützte iTMS Tracks kleinzubekommen:
"As a result, testing of the files is limited, but we suspect the application likely does work as suggested -- stripping DRM from your protected AAC files (though is not of any practical use in its current form)."
Mehr dazu auch bei den MacGuardians.
Zukunft des G5 betreffende Gerüchteküche:
"IBM undoubtedly has its eye on multi-processor blades, but the technology will also help Apple speed the arrival of G5-based PowerBooks, helped by the shift to a 90nm process." Bei The Register.
"The 90nm G5 reportedly contains a feature called 'Power Tune' which allows for rapid frequency and power scaling, and features electronic fusing. The Power Mac 8,1 system controller will be called U3 revision II, sources said, and will add support for 533 DDR II RAM, as well as supporting a Front Side Bus of up to 1.5Ghz. The Power Mac 8,1 will also sport an ASIC controller built using the 90nm technology." Bei Apple Insider.
Ebenso bei Apple Insider:
""This week the last milestone was achieved for the 90nm [PowerPC 970] G5," sources told AppleInsider on Thursday afternoon. As of Monday, the 'G5+' (or 90nm PowerPC G5 microprocessor) was officially taped out, and cleared for ramp up. It will be about 3 months before the chips are available to Apple Computer, Inc. in sufficient quantity for revamping its Power Mac G5 line of computers."
Wie bereits gerüchtet, hat Apple jetzt Apple Care für den iPod ins Programm genommen, bislang allerdings beschränkt auf die USA:
"The US$59 AppleCare plan extends service and support coverage for your iPod, its included accessories, and iTunes for up to two years from the original purchase date."
Dell gibt ungefähr die selbe Summe für R&D (research and development) aus, wie auch Apple. Wenn man allerdings bedenkt, dass Dell rund den fünffachen Jahresumsatz des Mac-Herstellers macht, kann man ungefähr sehen, welcher Stellenwert diesem Bereich jeweils zukommt:
"Southwick: Are you beefing up R&D to make your consumer products more unique, or is it more the case of using your distribution muscle?
Dell: We have 3,600 folks in our R&D division and spend half a billion dollars a year, similar to the amount Apple spends. We don't think percentage of revenue is a good measure of success in R&D. We look at it as--what do we need to spend to accomplish what we need to accomplish?
Southwick: How do you see your role in terms of design? Would you rather let someone like Apple take the lead?
Dell: We spend about as much as Apple in R&D. Just because we sell a whole lot more doesn't mean we're bad. I thought that was part of the objective.
Southwick: You'd rather be pragmatic than revolutionary?
Dell: Yeah, sure."
An der Virginia Tech University mag man nicht nur den hauseigenen aus 1100 G5 PowerMacs bestehenden Big Mac, sondern hat desweiteren 550 iMacs im Math Emporium zu bieten, so schreibt zumindest Apple. Seltsamerweise blickt man beim virtuellen Rundgang auf eine riesige Menge G4 PowerMacs...
Weitere 'Schule verwendet Apple-Rechner' Erfolgsmeldung: Die Washington University in St. Louis.
'iPod As iGod' im Gift Guide bei Seattle Weekly.
Newsfactor.com setzt sich mit der alten TCO Mac vs. Windows-Rechner Debatte auseinander:
"Clearly, the price tags for PCs are lower -- at least at the low end," says Macworld editor-in-chief Jason Snell.
"However, we recently tested the speed of high-end Macs and PCs, and they're comparable -- for comparable prices -- in many areas. So, it's probably most realistic to say that while the cheapest PCs cost less than the cheapest Macs, the cheapest Macs are probably comparable with PCs that cost a similar amount," he told NewsFactor.
"In other words, as usual, you get what you pay for."
Performance Vergleich zwischen journaled und non-journaled Festplatten, mit dem erstaunlichen Ergebnissen, dass bei aktiviertem Journaling die Platte sogar eher schneller erscheint (zumindest unter 10.3).
(via xlr8yourmac)
Mit Smartphone per Bluetooth über den Mac kostenlos ins Netz, heise erklärt wie.
Altes und Neues 12" iBook nebeneinander abgelichtet zum netten Vergleich.
(via mactechnews)
Tag 1 Impressionen von der Apple Expo in London bei Apple-X.net, Bilder dazu liefert Apple UK.
Bei Wired werden weitere soziale iPod Phänomene ausgepackt:
"She walked right up to me and got within my comfort field," Crandall stammered. "I was taken aback. She pulled out the earbuds on her iPod and indicated the jack with her eyes."
Zweifelhafte eMac Rumors:
"Apple will have multiple eMac II models available in January. At the top is a model with a pair of 1.25 GHz G4 processors, a 512 MB DDR memory module, and one empty memory expansion socket. With the availability of 1 GB modules, the eMac II will be officially supported to 2 GB of RAM."
Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
11/22 Kennedy shot in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963
(So einfach ist das).
Posted by Leo at 15:34 | Permalink
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