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"This new generation processor offers one crucial advantage against the G5 currently used in Apple's desktop Macs. The latter processors were made using IBM's 130nm manufacturing process. This different manufacturing method means the new G5 has a, "maximum power consumption of 55W at 2GHz, down from the 90W" of the current Power Mac chip, Glaskowsky said.
"We expect to see new G5 desktops soon, with faster processors, and G5 laptops later in the year", he said.

Aussage Glaskowsky im vergangenen Dezember:
"Speeds of 2.4 to 2.6 GHz would be consistent with exactly where I would expect them to be right now," Glaskowsky says.
Faster chips will also migrate to the Powerbook notebook line. There's a pretty good chance that a Powerbook G5 notebook will appear no later than the summer of 2004.
"There are no technical hurdles to producing a Powerbook G5. It could easily appear in January," Glaskowsky says."

Mehr zum PowerBook G5 hier im fscklog.

Bei den MacGuardians wird passend die 'Saure-Gurken-Zeit' ausgerufen:

"Was ist aus all den herbeigerüchteten Geräten geworden, die Ende letzten Jahres die Gerüchteküchen füllten? Neue Displays? Neuer iMac? Neuer eMac? Aktualisierte PowerMacs? iOffice?"

Der allseits beliebte Anal-yst Rob Enderle begeilt sich an seinem 'Ferrari-branded notebook from Acer':

"When I walk into a room with this baby, even the Apple users join the throngs of admirers."
Genauso wie Apple auf Intel umsteigen muss und der iPod mini ein Flash-Memory-Player wird.

San Francisco bekommt endlich seinen Apple (Retail) Store:

"...on Saturday, February 28 at 10:00 a.m. PST. The store will be one of Apple's five flagship stores worldwide, joining flagship stores in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Tokyo."

Applelinks mit einem Mozilla Firefox Mini-Review:

"I usually have at least three browsers running. I still like solid and relaible iCab for downloads and Web posting and certain other specific tasks. Safari is a great tool for doing research thanks to its support of OS X Services for shunting material from Web pages into other applications like DEVONthink. However, for speed and smooth, polished performance, my first choice for the past several months has been Mozilla FireBird 0.7.
Yesterday, the Mozilla folks released a new version of the browser, with a new interface theme for OS X users, even more speed and polish, and a new name - Firefox."

Microsoft lauds IE as 'the most secure browser'.
Microsoft warns of widespread Windows flaw.

Zu spät gesehen, schon zwei Tage bei O'Reilly zu lesen:

"My computer of choice is a Macintosh with Mac OS X v. 10.3, Panther, loaded with Apple applications. At first sight, some users may think that it is as proprietary as you can get. But if you look closer you will see that I also use OpenOffice, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Firebird, Camino, KOffice, Chatzilla... and that all of this sits on a standards-based, open source operating system !
Why? Because I think that open source truly shines when it can be combined with proprietary solutions, in an elegant way.
Indeed, only a company can create a large, unified group of developers, interface designers, marketers, support advisors, resellers... And only a company can work closely with multiple vendors to create perfectly integrated, compatible applications like FinalCut, QuickTime or XGrid."

Bei der Washington Times schließt Mark Kellner das iBook in sein Herz:

"I could easily see this computer accompanying someone to a college dorm, or part of a very stylish home office. It's a good portable, it's a good home computer, and I'll have more to say about it after a couple of road trips."

Wer noch weitere GarageBand Artikel verkaften kann, Ted Landau bei MacFixIt:

"Warning: GarageBand can be hazardous to your health. How can you tell if you have fallen victim to this malady? Here are some of the warning signs: Are you mixing loops during times of day that should be spent on more trivial activities, such as eating and sleeping? Do you record your voice over and over, striving for that perfect take, while your spouse consults a lawyer to see if endlessly singing off-key qualifies as spousal abuse? If so, you've been hooked. I know. It's happened to me. I can't recall the last time that a software program (other than a game) has so captured my attention."

Außerdem Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
02/11 Thos. Edison born, 1847

Posted by Leo at 02:39 | Permalink


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