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Steves Geburtstag und eine weitere Klage (Update_2)

Vollkommen unabhängig von Steve Jobs 49. Geburtstag (Herzlichen Glückwunsch!) hat Eminems Musikverlag Eight Mile Style Klage gegen Apple (sowie MTV/Viacom und TBWA/Chiat/Day) eingereicht:
"At issue is an ad for Apple's iTunes pay-per-download music software, in which a 10-year-old sings Eminem's "Lose Yourself." The suit claims the commercial aired on MTV beginning in July 2003 and ran numerous times for at least three months. It also appeared on Apple's Web site.
"Eminem has never nationally endorsed any commercial products and ... even if he were interested in endorsing a product, any endorsement deal would require a significant amount of money, possibly in excess of $10 million," according to the 15-page lawsuit filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Detroit.
The suit claims that Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs personally called Joel Martin, manager of Eight Mile Style, and asked Martin and Eminem to "rethink their position" about using the Grammy-winning song."
Manch einer wird sich erinnern, dass der besagte/beklagte Spot beizeiten ziemlich schnell wieder von apple.com verschwand.

Apple darf/muss sich dieses Jahr mit etlichen Klagen auseinandersetzen, unter anderem mit der Apple vs. Apple Klage, die in letztem Jahr für erhebliche Schlagzeilen gesorgt hatte.

Nach einem Bericht im MacObserver hat zumindest Chiat/Day schlechte Karten:
"The complaint alleged that "at no time did Apple, Chiat/Day or MTV receive authorization or permission to record, reproduce, perform, transmit, copy, use or otherwise exploit the Composition for any purpose."
To prove its point, the complaint included a copy of an e-mail letter from Andrew Schafer, an employee of Chiat/Day, confirming to Mr. Martin his understanding that the rapper was not granting use of the song, 'Lose Yourself'.[...]
"They negotiated in bad faith," Mr. Hertz said. "It remains to be seen if they deliberately used the material knowing they had no right to."

Wer sich die Klage gerne im Original durchschmökern möchte, kann sie sich als 821KB .pdf auf den Rechner befördern.

Posted by Leo at 18:17 | Permalink


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