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MacOrama für den 18. Mai 2004

macoramaDie Eminem vs. Apple Klage geht in die nächste Runde; bei AP: "On Monday, U.S. District Judge U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor ruled that Eminem's publishing company's suit can proceed against several companies, including MTV parent company Viacom and advertising agency TBWA/Chiat/Day."

Ein potenzielle DVD+R/+RW Möglichkeit dürfte alle Besitzer aktueller PowerBooks mit Superdrive durchaus interessieren; bei MacBidouille:
"While reading through the documentation of the Panasonic (Matshita) UJ-825 found in the newest Powerbooks, I found out that it supports +R/+RW as well as -R/-RW (and apparently RAM too) medias. So I tried to burn a DVR+RW with Toast 5.2.3 and, Oh joy, it works ! The burning process went without a hitch and so goes reading the disc from the Finder."

"Apple has released another iTunes Windows SDK. This particular SDK exposes some iTunes functionality through the Windows Component Object Model (COM) interface and will allow developers to write code to control certain functions of iTunes.[…]
Apple's Fairplay AACs could be played via applications other than iTunes, it could steal WMA's thunder and possibly make Fairplay AACs the music DRM standard for both Mac OS X and Windows XP."

Apple hat seine .mac-Seiten überarbeitet, die nun deutlich angenehmer/schneller zu nutzen sind, zusätzlich gibt es neue nicht weiter erwähnenswerte Homepage Templates, die sich zusätzlich über IE 6 unter Windows XP pflegen lassen. Außerdem wurden die iCards aufgestockt, die neuerdings mit dem .mac-Adressbuch verknüpft sind, sowie zwei Symantec Software 'Geschenke' für die zahlende Kundschaft aufgefahren.

Virginia Tech wartet auf seine Xserve G5 Lieferung; bei Think Secret:
"With the old G5 towers sold, Virginia Tech's massive datacenter of customized racks lies empty, sources said, and the project's Web site confirms that the system is completely offline for the upgrade. One source said the project isn't expected to receive the new Xserve G5 systems until the beginning of June, though another informant asserted that they are already starting to arrive."

SubEthaEdit gehört nicht nur auf jeden Mac, ob man es braucht oder nicht, sondern liegt nun auch in Version 2.0 vor.

GarageBand lässt sich per Softwareaktualisierung (oder bei apple.com) auf 1.1 bringen, rund 38 MB groß:
"GarageBand 1.1 addresses isolated performance and stability issues, allows per-track Echo settings similar to other effects, supports loop libraries in other disk locations, supports importing unprotected AAC audio files in addition to AIF and MP3 files, and addresses issues with ReWire support, moving GarageBand songs between different computers, Help support, fixing the timing of individual notes (as well as entire regions), and dragging entire tracks in the timeline."

Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
05/18 Napoleon crowned Emperor, 1804
(So geht das).

Posted by Leo at 11:14 | Permalink


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» SubEthaEdit 2.0 from /blog
SubEthaEdit made the jump to version 2.0. As fsck-log notes, even if you don't need it, it has to be on every mac, one of the most amazing pieces of software, and extremely fast and helpful for writing down stuff... [Mehr erfahren]

verlinkt am 18.05.2004 19:45:25