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Verzögern die Labels den Start des iTunes Music Store in Europa?
Für gewöhnlich hält meist die durchwachsene europäische Rechtelage als Erklärung für einen verzögerten hiesigen iTMS her, Apple selbst führt zumal an, dass man eben von Anfang an alles richtig machen möchte, um sowohl technisch wie vom Katalogumfang her zu brillieren, was eben seine Zeit in Anspruch nehme. In einem Artikel des Independent wird allerdings die viel verschwörerische Variante der Verzögerung geboten, in der die Labels selbst die wahren Bremsklötze sind:
"The real reason, they reveal, is that the record companies are now scared that the European iTunes Music Store will dominate rivals here too - and dictate the future direction of online music.
"There's a fear that [record companies] can't let Apple do the same here [in Europe] because then they would dominate," said one source familiar with negotiations, who insisted on anonymity. "You'll see Apple get delayed and delayed as companies like Wippit and OD2 and Napster are encouraged [by record labels] to grab market share. [Labels] aren't meant to collude on things like this, but the big fear is that just as MTV got music videos for free and then dominated the music industry, because it could make or break stars by airing their songs, so Apple could do that online. The older music executives, who remember the lesson of MTV, don't want to be over a barrel again with a big provider."
Ganz dunkel mag einem dabei wieder Tim Renner einfallen, der einst -noch als Chef von Universal Music Deutschland- Apples Musik Monopol menetekelte.
Posted by Leo at 00:57 | Permalink
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